Hope and confidence at Naval Interior’s laboratories
The cruise sector is in great turmoil: fears related to the coronavirus pandemic have halted fleets and raised concerns about the market’s future. But the entire naval industry cannot come to a standstill; the time horizons are so vast that our perspective is always focused on the future. And the future is built on hope and confidence. The same hope and confidence have accompanied us during these difficult months for everyone.
Remote work for major projects
Naval Interior never stopped. We temporarily suspended our production facilities during the lockdown period but continued to work remotely following our major projects. And now, we are all back in our positions of command. In the laboratories and workshops where we create furnishings for the largest and most prestigious cruise ships, workers and technicians have returned with all the safety measures required by law and the enthusiasm that has always characterised our big family. Expanding our spaces in anticipation of increased production has allowed us to reorganise workstations with comfortable rooms that meet the new health requirements.
Covid-19 safety regulations
Designers and administrative staff have resumed their usual office activities, with plexiglass barriers and the necessary hygiene and social distancing measures in place. These small but necessary adjustments maintain our desire to move forward together at full speed towards our goals, despite the slowdowns that the entire slow recovery process requires, even in our industry.
New exciting commissions
Now, we are all focused on the next project that puts us at the forefront as contractors: completing various projects with upcoming deadlines. These include the crew areas of Hull 6273 Costa Firenze, being outfitted at the Marghera shipyard, the Teach area, the bridge on the over deck, the captain’s and staff cabins on the upper deck, and the crew area and pantry of Yacht 137 Voice, being outfitted at the Ancona CRN shipyard. Above all, we are working on the futuristic Spa Area of Hull 6275 Enchanted Princess for Princess Cruises at the Monfalcone shipyard. This is one of the flagship features of this future floating wonder, representing our pride and specialisation. By creating wellness centres for large cruise ships, our history took off and quickly evolved, bringing us to the heart of the naval industry. Here, we offer our artisanal expertise, knowledge of materials, and innate passion for research and experimentation because this is our world, future, and course.